Archive for OpenAM

Time for change: Is OpenAM or OAM the better fit for replacing OpenSSO?

English, OAM, OpenAM, OpenSSO on January 26th, 2013 No Comments

Once upon a time there was a computer company that loved open source software but they forgot to make money. Another big successful company came and bought the other. The big company did not like open source but they know how to make money. Since they already had similar closed-source software products, they decided to […]

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OpenSSO / OpenAM Session Cookie Decoder

English, OpenAM, OpenSSO, Toolbox on September 18th, 2011 No Comments

SSOCircle Toolbox Series Part 1 Understanding the “iPlanetDirectoryPro” session cookie can be key to debugging problems like OpenSSO / OpenAM internal session rooting, persistence problems and misconfiguration. The SSOCircle Toolbox OpenSSO / OpenAM session decoder: The iPlanetDirectoryPro Cookie is used by OpenSSO and OpenAM to reference a specific user session. It consists of an […]

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OpenSSO / OpenAM Password Encryption/Decryption

English, OpenAM, OpenSSO, Toolbox on September 18th, 2011 No Comments

SSOCircle Toolbox Series Part 2 OpenSSO and OpenAM store passwords (for example J2EE Policy Agents) encrypted in configuration files. If you need to encrypt a password without having access to the bundled encryption tools, use the SSOCircle Toolbox OpenSSO / OpenAM Password Encryption web tool. And if you can’t remember what the password was and […]

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