Test Configuration API
Endpoint is /sso/ttapi/2.0/cfg/0/authn
Request | |||
Parameters | Type | Value | Description |
Authorization | Custom-Header | Bearer |
request must include the authorization token retrieved before |
plan | JSON | plan configuration | optional, in case a preconfigured plan should be used. If no plan is sent a full plan configuration will be assumed. |
Table 4
Sample request:
POST https://idp.ssocircle.com/sso/ttapi/2.0/cfg/0/authn
Host: idp.ssocircle.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Authorization: Bearer nN42C7bQnqzeTZi11fhPWd6cUwOwA17uq+ol5OyIT2o7888xiIMi3udG61j+3PfrUpmOe2adK+5
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 286
Response | |||
Parameters | Type | Value | Description |
plan | JSON | plan string | The plan that is used for the test. |
step1 | JSON | integer | Initial step that should be called (starting point) |
HTTP Return Codes | |||
200 | request successful | ||
400 | error as specified in the error description | ||
402 | API access limit exceeded | ||
403 | Not authorized |
Table 5
Sample response:
200 OK
Server: “SSOCircle Web Server”
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 12:50:34 GMT
Content-Length: 248
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Set-Cookie: SSOCTT=tT1624e223aa614b807695faca38fa8feea80ffe0fd215820bdf1100f2350ab224bf4bcc98d2a
49e9809d69748dcf611b1ddfc6bde8880f3c4633ba21b5ec37f0de; Path=/
Please note: for browser use the plan is always responded as a cookie. In the next sample this is omitted as it is not
relevant to the API itself.
Getting a preconfigured test plan string
If you would like to define your own sequence of tests, a customized test plan is needed and must be submitted in the configuration request above. The test plan string is encoded and can only be constructed through the Plan Configuration page:
For use with the public IDP:
In case of IDPee usage, replace your IDPee name in the following URL:
You can configure the tests you need manually and then submit the page. You will get the plan string as a response header.
X-ttool-plan: tT19f5916eccf1e154edef8a07e93c7ad96eb2cc08063bea46833e1161cbac57d77fee46e04436fa950a24a3b0e94fc37c34bf1425dfacd37b0403ee97c27b84d6f8a3e3dd6a79c33d4f8ec77088888cb2da85fb5a70c6f267c67ddcf16b5b5eaa33f89b3129089b3273f09506d8a688b543e61e6037d1a9d04b53fc90458f6b6b0c927fb8939adff328628f06cd2cc127b