Tool Quickstart

Follow these steps for a quick start with SSOCheck Tool. The Firefox Plugin is now deprecated.

  1. Install it into Firefox
    Just drag the xpi file into the browser window. It is recommended to not run the plugin in parallel to other debug/trace tools. We recommend creating its own Firefox profile (e.g. start Firefox by: firefox -p )
  2. Open the Plugin from the “Tools” menu. Select “SSOCheckTool”
    SSOCheckTool window opens and automatically loads a sample test script. Push the symbol with the green error at the left side (“Play current test case”) which will execute a sequence of steps. It is basically a SAML Web Browser SSO profile against the SSOCircle public IDP and a sample SAML Service Provider (a modified Fedlet)
  3. Watch the test run.
    The complete flow if requests will be displayed together with the test result status.
  4. Wait until the test has finished
    A test summary will be displayed.
  5. Click on the save button to get a complete trace file
  6. Click on the show result button
    and the test result will be displayed together with a test short description

If you are using the hosted IDP in API Private, you need to got to
Options –> SSOCheckTool
Change “Identity Provider used for testing” to your IDPee name (e.g.
Don’t change this if you are testing with an external IDP server not hosted by SSOCircle.

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SSO Check your Partners

Test your SAML Service Provider for configuration and implementation errors.

Use our verification service on an ongoing bases and get the SSOChecked Seal.

Single password

Hosted Identity Provider

Use our free public IDP or the white label IDPee for your organization or corporate.

Be sure to get a quote if you are interested in getting one of our products.

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